Customize file name, icon and version info for the autorun launcher program on your autorun CD

Customizing CD autorun program.

To make your CD autorunnable, 1st Autorun Express puts a launcher program on your CD. This program is called 1stAutorunExpressLauncher.exe or 1stAutorunExpressMenuLauncher.exe, with the default icon and version info:

Default 1st Autorun Express launcher displayed in Explorer with version info in the tooltip.

With the Enterprise version of 1st Autorun Express you can customize the launcher file name, icon and version info.

Open the launcher settings dialog

On the advanced settings page, click Adjust CD options... button:

Click CD options button to setup CD icon, title and customize autorun launcher program file name, icon and version info (in Enterprise version).

CD options dialog. You can select custom CD icon and title. Click Launcher settings (in Enterprise version), to setup autorun launcher settings.

In this dialog, select Launcher settings to open the launcher settings tab

Autorun CD launcher settings setup. You can select custom icon, file name and version info for the autorun program.

Setting up custom icon

You can click drop-down arrow at Launcher icon selector:

Select autorun launcher icon: default, the same as selected for CD and custom

If you select Use CD icon, then autorun launcher will use the same icon, that is selected for autorun CD at the previous tab (CD settings)

If you select Custom..., then you will be able to pick any other icon on your computer.

Autorun launcher custom icon option: click Select button to browse for icons on your computer or drag & drop any icon from your desktop.

You can click Select button to browse for icons on your computer or you can drag & drop any icon from your desktop.

You can drag & drop icons even without selecting Custom... option, this option will be selected automatically.

Customizing autorun launcher file name

If you want to specify a custom file name for the launcher program, just put it into the Launcher file name field. You should specify just a file name, without extension.

Specifying custom file name for the autorun launcher program

In this case autorun launcher file name will be FooBarLauncher.exe

Customizing autorun launcher version info

By default autorun launcher produced by 1st Autorun Express specifies Green Parrots Software in its version information.

Now if you fill any field in the Launcher version info section, then default version information will be discarded and replaced with your entries in this dialog:

Specifying custom file name, icon and version information for the autorun launcher program in the CD options dialog.


Let's see how the customized autorun launcher is displayed in Explorer:

Customized autorun launcher shown in Explorer, in Tiles view, with customized version information displayed in the tooltip.

You may see a custom file name and custom icon. Also in the tooltip you may see customized version information, that was entered in the dialog.

Now open a file properties of the autorun launcher:

File properties of customized autorun launcher.

Please notice that the description entered in the version information is displayed in this dialog

Now check version info in the Details tab:

Version information in file properites of the customized autorun launcher.

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