What's new in 1st AutoRun Express 2.0?
AutoRun Menus
1st AutoRun Express let you choose whether you want to launch a single file or display a list of choices to the user. No programming or design skills required!
To create a menu, you just need to pick desired documents and 1st AutoRun Express will create the appropriate menu automatically. You don't need to position menu entries or assign titles to menu buttons. You may add or remove documents, arrange their order, assign custom button titles later and menu will be rearranged automatically.
You may preview menu instantly at any stage of its creation. While previewing the menu, you may adjust its size. If you have too many menu entries to fit inside the menu window, user will be able to scroll them. Also, you may allow user to resize menu window if he needs it.
You may assign custom titles and icon to the menu, change menu window colors.
User may launch menu entries using mouse and keyboard. The menu automatically contains "Browse CD" and "Exit" commands.
You may turn on/off window border around the menu.
Read back previously created .inf files
Now you don't need to recreate your work, each time you launch 1st AutoRun Express. It loads existing 1st AutoRun Express projects from the CD folders, so that you can make necessary changes if needed. Now, if you made changes to existing project but did not finish it, 1st AutoRun Express allows you to save intermediate changes.
Remember last project you worked on
When you start 1st AutoRun Express it has last project you worked on selected in the target folder box. This way to continue working on the last project you just need to press the "Next" button.
Miscellaneous changes
Command to reset cd icon to default is added.
Now Enter key can be used to jump to the next page.
If selected file/icon is located outside the destination cd folder, then its name is displayed in a request to copy that file to the destination folder.
Now you may drag&drop desired folder into the target folder field.
1st AutoRun Express window is resizable now and keeps its last size and position.
Selected documents are launched using their default command on the target computer instead of the "open" command used in the previous version, because "open" command doesn't work for some kind of documents.